Research Surveys and Studies

Research Surveys and Studies

image of people talking to a doctor

It’s been proven that research is more successful when patients give their input early and often! By taking surveys, participating in focus groups, or testing devices that are being made, you are helping to ensure researchers create something that actually matters to the community. The more people who participate, the better! Check out the opportunities below and help researchers stay on the right track with their work in GBS, CIDP, or variants such as MMN.

  • Participate in Our Market Research Study for GBS Patients and Care Partners

    Share Your GBS Journey – Participate in Our Market Research Study for Patients and Care Partners We are excited to announce an upcoming market research study focused on understanding the experiences of individuals affected by Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) and their care partners. The goal of this is to learn more about your GBS journey to…

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  • Evidera Steroid Survey for CIDP Patients

    We are sharing this research opportunity on behalf of Evidera, an independent healthcare research company, on a study examining side effects associated with steroid medications. Evidera’s team is hoping to gain more insight into these side effects and how they impact one’s quality of life by conducting one-on-one interviews with individuals with CIDP, who have…

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  • Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) – Patients and Family Members – Research Opportunity

    LaGrippe Research, a market research firm specializing in healthcare, is inviting individuals diagnosed with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP), as well as family members who help support/care for a loved one diagnosed with CIDP, to participate in their research study. This will be an in-person usability study, and those who qualify will be invited to…

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  • A Multicenter Prospective Longitudinal Study of Clinical Outcomes, Disease Course, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Health Care Resource Utilization in Adult Patients With Multifocal Motor Neuropathy

    This prospective longitudinal study will follow participants with Multifocal Motor Neuropathy over time and collect data on their clinical outcomes, quality of life, and use of health care resources. Participants will follow their regular visit schedule with their treating physician, except for an optional second visit occurring 7 to 14 days after the start of…

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  • Health-Related Online Survey

    We are excited to invite you to participate in an important health-related online survey about your MMN! Your insights are crucial in shaping our understanding and initiatives. Please take a moment to share your valuable experiences. For those who qualify, the survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. Click the link below to get…

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