Support and Resources

We’re All In This Together

Providing support to our community is paramount to our grass-roots mission. All volunteers have a connection to GBS, CIDP or variants through a personal journey or through that of a family member or loved one. The Foundation understands how important it is to get the support and care required to live through these trying times. While we are not doctors, we do associate ourselves with some of the best medical professionals in the world. Our Global Medical Advisory Board has made a commitment of support for our constituents and to assure our patients access to their resources through the Centers of Excellence.

We have local Chapters all over the world. Find the Chapter closest to you and connect with volunteers who have lived through a similar journey. Request our printed literature and have access to the finest and most current information. These resources are available to you. You can also locate a Center of Excellence nearest to you for the best diagnosis, treatment and recovery! Please feel free to contact us for further information or support.

For continued support, visit our community connections page here to register for a virtual or in-person event.