What is the purpose of the GBS|CIDP Patient Registry?

One of the most important purposes of the GBS|CIDP Patient Registry is to bring the GBS|CIDP community together and collect data which could be used to create therapeutics and improve the quality of life for patients. Some other goals of the GBS|CIDP Patient Registry are to:

  • Conduct a prospectively-planned natural history study that will result in the most comprehensive understanding of GBS|CIDP and variants of the condition, and its progression over time.
  • Characterize and describe the GBS|CIDP population as a whole.
  • Assist the GBS|CIDP community with the development of recommendations for standards of care.
  • Assist researchers studying the pathophysiology of GBS|CIDP and variant of the condition.
  • Assist researchers studying interventional outcomes.
  • Support the design of clinical trials for new treatments.